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Schedule for the weekend of 16 February: photojournalism, music and theatre

‘-‘El temps que estiguem junts’ is the new play bringing together the members of Kompanyia Lliure on the Teatre Lliure de Montjuic stage, in Barcelona. From this Friday, 16 February, until 11 March.

-‘Beehave’, an exhibition which reflects on the role of bees through installations and works by contemporary artists. This exhibition can be visited at Fundació Joan Miró.

-‘Festival Cara B’, is a underground music festival which is celebrated today, Friday 16th, and tomorrow, Saturday 17 at the Fábrica Fabra i Coats de Barcelona. In addition to concerts, workshops and events are also organised.

-‘Festival Salmon’ a dance festival organised by Mercat de les Flors together with Graner, which offers different artistic proposals with more than 30 local and international artists in different areas of the City of Barcelona.

-‘World Press Photo Valencia’, the best of photojournalism is stopping off in Valencia from this weekend onwards, showcasing some of the most important events of 2016. This exhibition can be visited at Palau Joan de Valeriola, headquarters of the Fundación Chirivella Soriano.

-‘La eclosión de la abstracción’ brings together almost 150 works from the Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno Collection, with the objective of analysing the abstract artistic practices developed from the post-war era up until today. This exhibition can be visited until 16 September.

-‘Total Records. Vinyl & photography’, to display a selection of 250 vinyl record covers which reflect the relationship between photography and music. It can be visited at the headquarters of Fundación Foto Colectania until 11 March 2018.

-‘Guardianes de piedra’, a travelling exhibition which is promoted byMARQ will be stopping in Callosa del Segura (Alicante). Until 5th March, this travelling exhibition is a tribute to the more than 230 castles and fortresses in the province of Alicante. This exhibition can be visited until 25 March.