In this second edition of B-Value, the social innovation programme which we are promoting together with Ship2B, we have included a training course for the mentors, who will participate by evaluating the 40 social institutions from different parts of Spain, who have been selected to participate.
‘En tus zapatos’, is the title of this training course which is aimed at Banco Sabadell employees who are encourage to voluntarily participate as mentors in B-Value. The objective of these sessions is to convey inspiration and awareness regarding the Third Sector, as well as to offer training on social innovation, sharing successful cases of the transformation of institutions through social innovation. To do so, we count on different entrepreneurs, social institutions and mentors who will share their experiences after participating in the first edition. In this way, we are able to combine training and experience, getting to know social projects first hand.
#EnTusZapatos is hosted in a parallel manner in Barcelona and Madrid, with all of the entity’s employees, and also with corporate volunteers from Aftershare TV, one of the strategic partners who have joined this second edition.