For this weekend we proposal different cultural plans relating to photography, art, history, music and theatre.
-The Sampler Series, festival, a new music festival which we have collaborated with from the beginning will be hosting a concert this Sunday, 17 December, at 18.00 at Cultura Contemporáneo de Barcelona (CCBB) led by Peter Evans. The North American trumpeter and composer is one of the most surprising new and talented artists on the international free improvisation scene.
-La Kompanyia Lliure will be joining the stage at Teatre Lliure with ‘Tres germanes’ by Anton Chéjov, an adaptation by Joan Oliver under the direction of Lluís Pasqual, based in rural Russia in which the daughters of General Prózorov are the protagonists. You can watch it today, Friday, tomorrow and Sunday at only 3 unique viewings.
-Dioramas exhibition at the traditional Christmas market in Plaza Mayor, Madrid, which you can visit until 31 December.
Until 11 March 2018, Foto Colectania Foundation is hosting the exhibition ‘Total Records. Vinyl & photography’, to display a selection of 250 vinyl record covers which reflect the relationship between photography and music. Robert Frank and the Rolling Stones, Annie Leibovitz and Cindy Lauper, Madonna, George Michael and Miguel Bosé, amongst others, will be the protagonists of the exhibition.
-‘Guardianes de piedra’, a travelling exhibition which is promoted byMARQ will be stopping in Concentaina (Alicante). Until 5th March, this travelling exhibition is a tribute to the more than 230 castles and fortresses in the province of Alicante.
-‘La eclosión de la abstracción’ at the Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM), an exhibition which brings together abstract arts from the post-war era to the present day.
-‘Especies náufragas’, by Irene de Andrés at Espai 13, Fundació Joan Miró, an exhibition which forms part of the cycle ‘La posibilidad de una isla’. You can visit until January 7th, 2018.
-‘Fernando Ortiz’, the Diócesis de Málaga hosts this exhibition about the artist with the objective of sharing his works of art. The exhibition is comprised of sculptures which are conserved in Malaga (Bishop’s Palace, Cathedral, churches, penitential brotherhoods and museums) with others proceeding from cities such as Alcaudete, Ceuta, Jaén and Jerez de la Frontera.