Until 30th November, Barcelona will play host to the fifth edition of DOCfield, the Documentary Photography Festival. This year, the theme is human mobility. The festival will invite you to reflect upon different ways of travelling and to think about questions such as, why do we move from one place to another? How does travel change one’s personal identity? And to consider whether human mobility is a condition, a privilege or a necessity. Throughout the festival, you will be able to visit 25 exhibitions in different spaces in the city, including Palau Robert, the University of Barcelona, Arts Santa Mònica and the Museu Marítim de Barcelona.
For this first time this year, the 9 exhibitions forming part of the official section of the festival will be located along a central geographical axis that crosses Barcelona from Diagonal to Colón. This ‘DOCfield Route’ follows the exhibition prepared by a group of key national and international visual journalists who have witnessed the rescue missions of refugees arriving in Europe by sea. The exhibition reflects on the fall of the caliphate and shows the work of female taxi drivers in India, amongst other matters.
Once again this year, the ‘Nit DOCfield’ will be taking place. This involves free open-air exhibitions that complement the theme of the festival through audio-visual narrative. It will take place on November 30th, coinciding with the last day of the festival. Different activities will take place throughout the festival including meetings with authors and guided tours. You can see the full schedule on the DOCfield website.
IV Dummy Award – Banco Sabadell Foundation
DOCfield is organising the Dummy Award, a prize for photobook mock-ups that aims to give more visibility to new editorial formats. The mock-ups will be displayed at the Foto Colectania Foundation from 24 November.