Here at the Foundation, we always seek to promote talent, by recognising it and helping promising individuals throug their training with awards and grants like the ones described below – calls are now open!
-IV Dummy Award Banco Sabadell Foundation, the deadline for submitting your application to this year’s edition of the festival, ‘el viaje’ (the journey) is 27 October. This award aims to promote the consolidation of the photobook, to allow it to continue developing into another fantastic format and tool with which to tell stories. Check out the terms and conditions here.
-3 grants for a work experience placement in the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) at its headquarters in Washington for a 6-month period in order to gain experience in the management and operations of IDB. This call is open to final-year students and graduates who have completed their degree at the University of Oviedo. Applications for the grants can be submitted until 27 October, check out the terms and conditions here.
-XVI Joan Guinjoan Award for Young Composers, will accept applications until 1 December. The award is aimed at composers under the age of 35 from all nationalities. Each participant must submit a maximum of two musical scores, which must not have been published, played or commissioned previously. Check out the terms and conditions here.