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45 days, 300 young people, 200 volunteers and 800km… Transpirenaica Social Solidaria kicks off!

During 45 days, 300 young people and 200 corporate volunteers and social teachers will be covering a distance of 800km from tomorrow, 8th June, through the Pyrenees in the V edition of the Transpirenaica Social Solidaria, a socio-educational transformation project, making the most of the mountains to offer young people opportunities to improve their future prospects. The experience sets out to achieve a social impact, creating values as important as overcoming difficulties, teamwork and leadership.

Transpirenaica Social Solidaria is a project which is carried out in the mountains, which uses the values present in sports as a tool for awareness, union and social cohesion”, ensures Irene Zendrera, director of Transpirenaica.

The route, which runs from Cabo de Higuer (Euskadi) to Cap de Creus (Catalonia) is based on a slogan: ‘Un Mundo por la paz’ (a world for peace). With this experience, young people, professionals, persons who host the participants and entities will share values and realities. The majority of the young people and the volunteers will participate for a week, others will participate for 2, 3 or 4 days. The group will vary in size as it moves through the different regional communities, until reaching the end on July 21 at Cap de Creus.
