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How can we bring out the genius that lives inside of all of us? Find the answer this Thursday, in #ForoExpertos

This Thursday, June 1st, Greg Davis will be starting this month’s conferences with Foro Expertos to share his philosophy on how to bring out the genius that lives inside of all of us in order to achieve our dreams. This chat forms part of the third cycle of conferences which we have prepared together with Factoría Cultural, Vivero de Industrias Culturales in Matadero Madrid.

You can also watch the live streaming of this conference from 19:30 by clicking here.

‘I am a genius, but I don’t dare say it!’ is the title of the conference by Greg Davies, an expert in mentoring, consulting and coaching. Greg looks for inspiration, and encourages us to inspire others and help others to understand that inspiration can be found all around us. The chat aims to make attendees enter a state of being ‘wide awake’ in order to review how they approach tasks, who they work with, what motivates them and what they want to achieve. Greg demands 100% of people, and pushes them to find the best about themselves in order to discover their own worth and abilities. He is also involved in strategic decision-making in various companies, contributing value and knowledge in a wide range of areas, including technology, sport, creativity and culture.