Factoría Cultural de Murcia opens its doors with a training programme which seeks to contribute to the development of emerging initiatives in cultural and creative industries and support entrepreneurs and professionals in these industries. The Foundation supports Factoría Escuela to promote and encourage training in areas such as technology and innovation through in-person, practical courses and workshops which offer training in skills that can be transferred to all areas.
Factoría Escuela offers 17 different courses on subjects such as technology, technology for young people and children, business planning, innovation and creativity, 3D animation and modelling and video games.
More on these courses
Technology: WordPress (learn to design a website from scratch with no prior programming skills); Wocommerce (convert a wordpress website into an e-commerce site); Construye tu robot con Arduino + Impresión 3D (Build your robot with Arduino + 3D Printing) (design your own robot and program it to follow your orders); Diseño web responsive (Web responsive design) (HTML5 + CSS3); Arduino + Internet of Things en Huertos Urbanos (Arduino + Internet of Things in Urban Gardens) (learn how to program Arduino boards to create control stations for urban gardens and other aspects of the real world with Internet of Things).
Business Plan: Campaña de marketing digital; Storytelling para el relato de marca (Digital marketing campaign; Storytelling to tell the tale of your brand); Build your business idea with Lego Serious Play.
Innovation and creativity: Introducción al design thinking; Potencia tu creatividad (Introduction to design thinking; Enhance your creativity) (get in touch with your creative abilities and the creative process); Iniciación al soundpainting (Initiation to soundpainting).
Graphic design: Maquetación con Adobe InDesign (Layouts with Adobe InDesign).
3D Animation and Modelling: Modelado 3D con Blender (3D Modelling with Blender) (model all types of 3D objects and characters using the free software, Blender, a package which includes graphics engines, software for creating video games, 3D animation, as well as images and video editing).
Video games: Creación de una aventura gráfica (Create a graphic adventure).