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Schedule for the weekend of 21st April: photobooks, poetry and art

This weekend we have 6 cultural recommendations for you. In Galicia, you can visit the exhibition ‘Da árbore á cadeira’ at the Centro Gaiás Museum of the Cidade da Cultura which will take you on an emotional journey from the raw material to the product, from wood to furniture.

Coinciding with the día del libro (Book Day), Barcelona is the venue for the eighth edition of ArtsLibris, the International Fair of Contemporary Editions in Barcelona which will be held until Sunday in the Santa Mònica arts centre. Over 70 exhibitors, of whom 45 hail from Catalonia, 12 from other regions in Spain and 17 editors from other countries such as France, Italy, Mexico, Germany and Argentina, amongst others, will take part in this year’s edition.

Palau i Fabra launches its activities for 2017 in Caldes d’Estrac this weekend. Nine years after the poet’s death, the Palau Foundation is organising various activities with which it aims to introduce more people to his work. To this end, various poetry readings will take place this weekend.

In Valencia, the IVAM is holding the exhibition ‘Lost in the city’, with close to 300 works of art (paintings, sculptures, photographs and artists’ videos) which reflect on people’s lives in various cities throughout the world.

Fun House, 1956. Richard Hamilton. IVAMLastly, we recommend three exhibitions which are taking place in Barcelona: two in the Joan Miró Foundation where you can see the ‘Self-organisation’ project, which reflects on contemporary art and the concept of DIY (do it yourself), and where you can visit the new installation by artist Eva Fábregas, ‘Picture yourself as a block of melting butter’, and lastly the third exhibition, taking place at the Foto Colectania Foundation ‘Photobook Phenomenon’.


Cesare Pietroiusti
One hundred things that are
certainly not art [Cien cosas
que no son arte en absoluto],
2001-2017Instalación específica