ArtsLibris, the International Fair of Contemporary Editions in Barcelona, will hold its eighth edition from 21st to 23rd April in the Santa Mònica arts centre. Once again this year, artists’ books and national and international contemporary bibliophiles come together during the Sant Jordi festivities.
It is a meeting point for editors and authors, and a platform from which to reach international audiences, and it has consolidated is reputation as a pioneer fair for marketing and spreading awareness of artists’ books, photo books and contemporary editions in Spain. Over 70 exhibitors, of whom 45 hail from Catalonia, 12 from other regions in Spain and 17 editors from other countries such as France, Italy, Mexico, Germany and Argentina, amongst others, will take part in this year’s edition.
Furthermore, for the fifth consecutive year, the Arts Libris-Banco Sabadell Foundation Award will be given out by an international panel of specialists in artists’ books who will be responsible for selecting the best ArtsLibris 2017 publications in order to award and recognise the work and effort of their exhibitors.
Parallel activities
ArtsLibris has extended its cultural programme, consolidating itself as a prestigious platform for editorial production, dissemination and exchange, offering various meetings and activities including the fourth edition of the Simposio Internacional sobre la Edición del Libro de Artista (International Symposium on the Edition of Artists’ Books) entitled Faktura y Sistemática del libro de Artista, curated by experts Antonio Zúñiga and Glòria Picazo, which will take place on April 21st and 22nd.
This debate platform will also include the Speakers’ Corner, a dynamic space for conversations, dissemination and exchange between editors taking part in the event, in which renowned artists from the field of contemporary editing will take part. Guests include Ignasi Aballí, Daniel García Andújar, Ahlam Shibli and Joan Fontcuberta.