“I feel genuinely capable of carrying out any innovative project that I want to”. Now I believe more in myself”, Mamadou Korka, 2016 Imagine Silicon Valley dreamer. At just 22, Mamadou Korka, originally from Guinea-Conakry, arrived in Barcelona 6 years ago in pursuit of a dream: to work at Google. Thanks to this scholarship he was closer to achieving his dream. He is currently completing his training as a programmer, carrying out an internship and getting ready to face new professional challenges.
“It is a dream for any actor”, Eduard Lloveras, actor at the new Kompanyia Lliure. Being able to form part of the theatre has allowed him to make his on stage debut at the Lliure de Montjuic Theatre with the play ‘In Memoriam. The baby bottle conscription’
“This grant has enabled me to continue studying, and it has given me the opportunity to act and also to showcase my music”. Eva Fernández received a Banco Sabadell Foundation grant to study and continue her training at the Taller de Músics. Thanks to this grant the young saxophonist has edited her first album and is performing in different locations throughout Spain.
“I am very grateful to the Banco Sabadell Foundation for helping my dreams come true”, Pol Álvarez, 2016 Imagine Express dreamer, participated in this edition with his idea ‘Swop’, which is a solution to reducing the time spent waiting to receive purchases made online, by collecting the products from a shop located near you .
“This grant aims to open up the notion of research to other formats, experimental methodologies, hybrid views and interdisciplinary spaces to carry out research”, Carla Boserman, II Banco Sabadell Foundation-Hangar Art Research Grant, aimed at young researchers who are in the process of completing their PhD thesis in any Spanish university.
“For an institution to support new talent and creativity, and a concept as new as ‘disruptive innovation’ is courageous and admirable”, Paula Álvarez, Imagine 7 Islands dreamer. Her challenge was based on maximising the potential of new trends such as e-commerce, internet… making the most of the assets available in the Canary Islands, for which reason she based her work on two basic items that a lot of young people travel with: smartphones and rucksacks. From there, the “Zeven” project was born, an application that allows travellers to fulfil 7 dreams in the Canary Islands, and then leave a digital message in one of the hundreds of volcanoes on the archipelago, which can be collected by another member of the Zeven community at a later date. This is how an interconnected network is created between visitors to the Canary Islands.
“Thanks to this grant, I have been able to enter the world of work in a first rate technology company”, Daniel Díez 2016 Imagine Silicon Valley dreamer. Student at the University of Oviedo, this young researcher and technology entrepreneur has been able to join a leading company in this sector thanks to his experience at Imagine.
“Exhibiting at Art<35 is an excellent opportunity and motivation to continue progressing”, Tura Sanz, one of the young artists who exhibited her work at Art<35 BS/2016 in September at the Sala Parés in Barcelona.
“At the same time, my stay at Medialab and the time I needed to carry out the research to build the project have opened up new doors for me to work on other future projects”, Servando Barreiro, participant in the ‘Interactivos?’16 Residencies’ at Medialab-Prado Madrid, which supports creative and collaborative digital technology projects.
“I wanted to be a dreamer to get out of my comfort zone and set myself new limits”, Mireia Bel dreamer of mSocial Barcelona 2016. During the period of four weeks she faced the challenge of coming up with a validated prototype for technology projects which provide solutions to different social challenges. In her case, her target was to improve the social services that local councils provide to the people in the loca area, taking into account the experience of the person who benefits from the service, as well as the person who provides it.
“This experience has been a complete boost of excitement and motivation to become an entrepreneur and not limit myself “, Ángel González dreamer of Imagine Silicon Valley 2016. A recent graduate of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Valencia, thanks to this grant he is not limiting his possibilities and he is now working on developing his own projects.