Currently, five calls are open:
– ‘Ideas+Innovadoras 2016’ competition organised by Florida Universitaria, CEEI Valencia, the Valencia Association of Young Entrepreneurs (Asociación Jóvenes Empresarios de Valencia – AJEV) and the Banco Sabadell Foundation, aimed at promoting innovative culture, encouraging development of new projects inside and outside organisations and to promote awareness of abilities and opportunities to innovate in the current environment.
Applicants must register on the Florida Universitaria website, and the registration period ends on 29 August 2016. On 30 September the 10 pre-selected projects will be presented and assessed by the Jury, who will select the award-winning projects in order of preference. The final verdict will be announced at the beginning of October.
–Grants for Masters in Translational Biomedical Research of the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), aimed at research degrees gives access to its doctorate programme and offers students a chance to specialise in the field of biomedicine.
The deadline for applications – only available to students who have been accepted to the masters course – is 15 September 2016.
– II Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Innovation, called by the Catalonia College for Architects (Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya – COAC) for architects under 45 years of age. Projects presented must have been completed between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2015. This award forms part of the International Sample of Catalan Architecture (Muestra Internacional de Arquitectura Catalana).
The registration period ends on 30 September 2016.
– II Banco Sabadell Foundation-Hangar Artistic Research Grant, aimed at pre-doctorate researchers currently performing their doctoral thesis at any Spanish university. Hangar, the centre for visual arts production and research, is holding this second Edition to give four-month grants to young researchers with projects currently in progress.
The deadline for submitting applications ends on 3 October 2016.
–XV Joan Guijoan International Award for Young Composers, called by the Catalonia College for Music (Escuela Superior de Música de Catalunya – ESMUC) in order to encourage and support creativity amongst the new generations of composers by facilitating the performance of their prized compositions. The competition will be open to composers under 35 years of age, and compositions must be between 10 and 15 minutes long.
The registration period ends on 1 December 2016.