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Set design, one of the new activities in the IX International Workshop of Architecture and Landscape

Today, the ninth edition of the Workshop Internacional de Arquitectura y Paisaje [International Workshop of Architecture and Landscape] organised by RCR Arquitectes and RCR Bunka Fundación. This edition is a course aimed at architects, designers and students, and will be held for four weeks, certified by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (UPC Barcelona-Tech). More than 70 participants will be attending from up to 25 different countries.

The workshop consists of creating architectural and landscape projects in groups, with weekly feedback from RCR and support from tutors. The students will present their projects in an event which is open to members and collaborators. The workshop will include the intervention, in the review sessions, of geologists, ecologists, set designers and other persons associated with different institutions.

During the course, the space and areas of the works carried out in the RCR Arquitectes studio will be opened up, as a way to bring the students and professions closer to the intrinsic relationship that exists between architecture, space, and landscape, whilst also sharing and emitting a certain attitude, the architecture and creativity that RCR has maintained throughout its trajectory. The objective is to establish a point of cultural activity which far away from the traditional centres in large cities, thus participating in the creating of new models of exchange, such as, for example, training, communication and appreciation of architecture, landscapes, the arts and culture.


What’s new? and more schedule information

For the first time, the International Workshop of Scenography will also be included, from the 16th to the 26th of August, directed by the prestigious set designer Alfons Flores, whose works include sets for theatre and opera, the design of urban sets and sets for large events. This particular workshop has capacity for 11 students who will work on temporary architecture structures for events such as large parties, anniversaries or entertainment.

Another one of the parallel activities is the Fourth International Workshop of Audiovisual and Photography, from August 15th-26th, led by the famous Japanese photographer Hisao Suzuki, who aims to provide more information on audiovisual and photography knowledge, focused on architecture and space. The course will be developed starting from getting closer to the territory and architecture of RCR, and will combine visual arts and their implementation via a creative piece of work.

Furthermore, during these four weeks there will be conferences with important professionals such as Juan Carlos Sancho and Soledad Madridejos (Sancho-Madridejos Architecture Office), Enric Battle (Battle i Roig Arquitectes) and Eduardo Souto de Moura (Premio Pritzker 2011), the exhibition ‘Tránsito por la escenografía española contemporánea’ can also be visited, which has been loaned by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), along with a conference with its curator, Basque set designer José Luis Raymond.