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#UrbanGifts on the streets of Zaragoza

The project lagaleriadelamagdalena, which forms part of a network of urban galleries, arrives in Zaragoza in order to promote artistic projects in public spaces, renowned for its high level of public involvement and the generation of emotional links to culture and an identification with the works carried out.

For this purpose, undervalued public spaces are used and transformed into temporary art galleries in which all the works shown are given away to the public as #UrbanGifts or through the reappropriation of those spaces by citizens. The challenge: to recover abandoned spaces and set up temporary exhibitions in which the works shown are given away to those passing through.

There are 6 exhibitions in total: 3 selected through calls to participate, one joint online exhibition with works from all over the world, the fifth exhibition with the collaboration with Mercado del 13 and Harinera ZGZ, an association to give visibility to rare diseases, in which workshops will be held to give out the #UrbanGifts and a sixth exhibition by an artist from Sao Paulo.


#UrbanGifts, 25 and 26 June

This initiative brings together small design, creative and artistic works and others created with low-cost materials, in a simple and fast way where all you need is imagination. They are exhibited and given out to pedestrians walking through abandoned urban spaces, where they are shown to promote and support emerging artists.

The #Urban Gifts are a way of bringing people closer to art and of creating emotional bonds between people and places and between people and art. This event will be held on 25 June, and on 26 June, the ‘Arcotangente’, a Creative Commons virtual art gallery, will be held, the content of which can be downloaded in high quality. The exhibition is carried out through postcards with a link on the back to the virtual platform.