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12 dreamers and four social innovation projects in the first edition of Imagine mSocial 2016

In only four weeks the objective is to achieve the prototype and validation of technological products that provide solutions to some of the most urgent social challenges. To do so, 4 teams will be formed, each made up of 3 dreamers, one of who is Mireia Bel, who was awarded a scholarship by Banco Sabadell Foundation:

4 weeks, 4 challenges

The four areas in which the participants will work during Imagine mSocial 2016 are:

-the improvement in home care services for dependent persons

-facilitating social inclusion for disabled persons

-improving the management of social and volunteer programs

-promoting urban regeneration

Throughout the month the dreamers will be mentored by specialists in technology and social fields to carry out the projects and complete the challenge. They will also attend master classes taught by the management and representatives of first rate companies and institutions. In order to do this, each week they will change their place of work.

During the first week the dreamers will rethink the problems, identifying the real needs and challenges. The second week will be their chance to create value, transforming creativity into solutions. Throughout the third week they will start the prototype, and during the last few days, each team will present their final projects.