The specialist panel of the Arts Libris – Banco Sabadell Foundation Award 2016 met on Friday 22nd April in the Arts Santa Mònica centre in Barcelona to review the different books and editions that were submitted, and have decided to award the following projects:
Toni Amengual, ‘De votos’; Manel Armengol, ‘40 anys després…’; Broodthaers, ‘Tinaia 9 Box’; Mery Cuesta, ‘La Rue del Percebe de la cultura y la niebla de la cultura digital’; Cristina De Middel, ‘This is what hatred did’; Antònia del Río, ‘La biblioteca absent’; Fluxus, ‘An Anthology’; Regina Giménez, ‘L’architecture d’aujourd’hui’; Cristóbal Hara, ‘El caball de Troya’; Daniel Jacoby, ‘Traducción recursiva de titulares’; Pierre Leguillon, ‘Dubuffet typographe’; Sol Lewitt, ‘Six geometric figures and their double combinations’; Sara MacKillop, ‘50 Envelope Windows’; Sara MacKillop, ‘Typewriter manual. Volume two’; Martí Manen, ‘Take away. Exposicions per emportar’; Gordon Matta-Clark, ‘Walls paper’; Esmelyn Miranda, ‘Variaciones’; Muntadas, ‘Sites 7’; Aimar Pérez Galí, ‘Sudando el discurso’; Richard Prince, ‘Menthol Wars’; Jurian Quintanas, ‘Índago’; Joan Rabascall, ‘Costa Brava’; Francesc Ruiz, ‘Il fumetto dei Giardini’; Rodrigo Sastre, ‘Sentóse a decidir’; Rodrigo Simancas, ‘Mañanas’; Rosemarie Trockel & Marcus Steinweg ‘Mutter’; Isidoro Valcárcel, ‘La rendición de la hora’; Erik van der Weijde, ‘This is Not My Wife’; Javier Viver, ‘Révelations. Iconographie de la salpêtrière’; Cerith Wyn Evans, ‘Delay’.