As from 15 January the Academia La Central is offering seminars and advanced training courses in literature, art and humanities, as well as workshops, reading sessions and activities to train young readers. An initiative to foment culture that also involves the Banc Sabadell Foundation.
The venues for these activities are the bookshops of La Central in Barcelona and Madrid. For five months (from January to May), different literary proposals will be on offer, such as: ‘Potential writing workshop with the Oulipo writer Pablo Martín Sánchez’; ‘Seminar in three meetings about María Zambrano’ by Elena Laurenzi; ‘Reading room’ with Marta Ramonera i Molins; ‘Course on the traditional publication of illustrated, self-published books’ with Julia Pelletier; among others.
For the moment, on Friday 15 January the Academia will start up at the Central bookshop in Barcelona with ‘Travel literature’ by Sam Abrams (from 7 to 9 pm).