César de la Vega és un dels ‘Jóvenes con Futuro’ que estan vivint l’experiència americana. Des de fa un mes, treballa en una empresa de Silicon Valley en el desenvolupament d’una aplicació Android sobre lloguer de cotxes entre particulars. Es tracta de “una oportunitat única, sense Joves amb Futur hauria estat molt difícil trobar un programa de pràctiques a Estats Units i aconseguir tramitar tots els documents necessaris per a l’obtenció del visat”, assegura César, qui a més destaca com “des del primer moment que vaig entrar en l’oficina em vaig sentir un més de l’equip”. Una experiència que, subratlla, “enforteix i ajuda a desenvolupar una carrera professional i destacada en la indústria tecnològica“.
César de la Vega is one of the ‘Jóvenes con Futuro’ who is living through this American experience. He has been working for a month in a company in Silicon Valley developing an Android application for care hire between individuals. It is a “unique opportunity, without ‘Jóvenes con Futuro’ it would have been very difficult to find an intern program in the United States and process all the necessary documents to obtain a visa”, says César, who also underlines how “from the very moment I entered the office I felt as I was part of the team”. An experience which, he stresses, “strengthens and helps to forge an outstanding professional career in the technology industry”.
César de la Vega. Jóvenes con Futuro.
Alberto Díaz is another of the engineers to form part of the ‘Jóvenes con Futuro’ community. At just 27 years of age, this IT engineer from Las Palmas lived the Silicon Valley experience in 2011, in the leading technology InternMatch. An opportunity he recommends to all those recent graduates because “discovering the labour market in that part of the world is unique for enlarging your horizons and setting yourself goals. Indeed, you change your work philosophy to start to think of products, ideas and to unceasingly try new things. Usually, the largest companies do not operate thinking about the product but more the project approach and software engineering. Although the trend is to focus more on the product with different disciplines, not just development”.
Alberto Díaz. Jóvenes con Futuro.
Belén Cruz, 28, is an IT engineer and she works in San Francisco, following her internship thanks to the program ‘Jóvenes con Futuro’ in 2014. Since then, this young engineer says that working in Silicon Valley is to be “closer to the technology” in innovative companies recognised worldwide. She also stresses how the product is treated by a team dedicated “solely to defining it and growing it as the cornerstone that brings together all the other parts, such as engineering, el marketing and design”. Belén encourages all young Spanish people to “show off their talent without losing the desire to learn every day”.
Belén Cruz. Jóvenes con Futuro.
Abel Mayorga is another example of how this program offers a unique professional opportunity to new graduates. At 24, this IT engineer from León was in Silicon Valley thanks to ‘Jóvenes con Futuro’ and still works in San Francisco developing a predictive analysis cloud platform. He claims that at a professional level, Silicon Valley is “a huge leap in a tremendously competitive world, in which you continue to work at home studying so as to finish earlier and learn to do things”.
Abel Mayorga. Jóvenes con Futuro.