Banco Sabadell Foundation is working in collaboration with, and promoting, up to five open calls for awards to reward and offer grants to young talented people in different fields. One of the most coveted awards is the XI Banco Banco Foundation Award for Biomedical Research which aims to promote and recognise the work of Spanish researchers under the age of 42 in the field of biomedicine and health sciences, with a total prize money of €50,000. Proposals are accepted in Spanish and in English, and the deadline is 30th April 2016.
More information: Bases Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research
The winner of last year:
One of the other highly recognised awards is the XV Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Economic Research which recognises the work of Spanish researchers under the age of 40, in the fields of economic, business and social knowledge. Proposals are accepted in Spanish and in English, and the deadline is 30 April 2016.
More information: Bases Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Economic Research
April is also the deadline for one of the other currently open calls with the Foundation: interactive residencies at Medialab-Prado. The aim of these residencies is to foster the dissemination and development of open-source programming and physical computing tools for creative uses, through projects based on collaborative processes and collective actions. The deadline for proposals is April 10th 2016.
More information: bases residencias interactivos
Applications are also open until April 30th for the “Jóvenes con futuro USA 2016’ programme, which is run by StepOne in conjunction with Banco Sabadell Foundation. The programme is designed for engineers under the age of 30, who have recently graduated have a high proficiency in English, and want to spend 6 months completing internships at some of the world’s leading technology and innovation companies in Silicon Valley and New York.
Also, for the third consecutive year, the Photographic Social Vision Foundation, with the collaboration of Banco Sabadell Foundation, has issued the call for the annual photobook award: DOCField Dummy Award Banco Sabadell Foundation. This award recognises and rewards editorial publishing projects and their authors, and gives visibility to new editorial formats, which together with expositions and multi-media formats, are playing a crucial role in the dissemination of authors’ works. Projects can be submitted until May 11th.