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22 young persons and 31 corporate volunteers have participated in the first edition of the Coach Exit Alicante project

The Coach Project, by Exit Foundation, is a corporate volunteering initiative aimed at socially responsible companies who seek to improve the integration of young people in vulnerable situations into the world of work, by offering them guidance and motivation so that they continue their training and improve their employment prospects through techniques such as coaching and mentoring.

During the last two months, eight companies have joined the 1st edition of Project Coach by the Exit Foundation in Alicante, and a total of 31 corporate volunteers have mentored 22 young persons. Friday 12th May marked the end of this first edition, which was celebrated through a gathering between all of the volunteers, young people and tutors of social and education entities, in which they shared their experiences and the objectives established in the project.

Banco Sabadell was one of the companies which participated in the project. 6 Banco Sabadell employees mentored young people in departments such as Regional Commercial Transformation, Private Banking, Risk and Human Resources, among others. This is the third year in which Banco Sabadell has participated in this project, having volunteered in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Mallorca and now in Alicante. Throughout various sessions the volunteers accompanied the young people to encourage them to continue their studies, giving them the opportunity to get to know different professionals with the aim of helping to guide them when they are choosing the subjects they want to study.

Since 2008 the Exit Foundation has run 65 editions of the Coach Project, with the participation of 2,517 volunteers, 2,224 young people, 114 companies and 126 social and educational entities in 8 cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia, Zaragoza Alicante and Lerida.