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We recognise the work of two young researchers in the fields of fertility and sustainable agriculture

Banco Sabadell Foundation

The Culture of Talent

Promoting culture and the arts to influence the region and society: discover some projects wee endorse in Catalonia

40 of the Bank’s employees take part as mentors in the B-Value social innovation programme

Culture and the Arts

We think of culture and the arts as engines of transformation, driving innovation and creativity, through the co-creation of projects and the promotion of young talent.  

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Research and Education

We support research and education through the creation of opportunities and the promotion of training with the aim of advancing society and building a better future.

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Banco Sabadell Foundation Awards

We recognise the best young research talent and the positive impact of their lines of research in the fields of economic research, biomedical research, science and engineering, and marine sustainability.  

Dr. Joan Monràs
Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Economic Research 2023

“An enormous thrill, both for the award itself, and for feeling supported by the people who have won it before, people who have influenced my way of thinking and who have inspired me.”  

“An enormous thrill, both for the award itself, and for feeling supported by the people who have won it before, people who have influenced my way of thinking and who have inspired me.”  

Dr. Manuel Valiente
Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research 2023

“This accolade further convinces me that tenacity is crucial and that, together with motivation, it is an undeniable antidote to the difficulties one encounters in a scientific career. 

“This accolade further convinces me that tenacity is crucial and that, together with motivation, it is an undeniable antidote to the difficulties one encounters in a scientific career. 

Dr. Juan Miguel Morales
Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Science and Engineering 2023

“The purpose of this award is to put the spotlight on the social value of science and the role of the researcher in society. 

“The purpose of this award is to put the spotlight on the social value of science and the role of the researcher in society. 

Dra. Elena Ojea
Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Marine Sustainability 2023

“This award is a unique accolade for young researchers. By looking at marine sustainability and rewarding research we can go much further.”

“This award is a unique accolade for young researchers. By looking at marine sustainability and rewarding research we can go much further.”

2023 Impact

We are committed to society, institutions, projects and people. This is why we work in partnership, promoting young talent, co-creating projects and fostering alliances, with the aim of making a positive impact on society. 


projects with entities  




awards and scholarships beneficiaries


Banco Sabadell volunteers in social impact programmes